Tuesday, September 3, 2019

First Years, First Day

    Our Hogwarts Homeschool has officially started!  After a week of review it was finally time to step through the wall and onto Platform 9 3/4 to board that Express to a new adventure. 

    It was a great first day. We started our Care of Magical Creatures/Zoology unit. We did that dreaded math and even that went well...lol We got our first spelling and vocab list for the year, and it was fun to pick out the vocab words from our reading as we dove in and read the first chapter of Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone before answering the comprehension questions that went with the chapter.

    But before we read, we needed a bookmark to keep track of where we were so we made a Ravenclaw bookmark from Red Ted Art. We just need some Harry Potter stickers now.

    So, we had an awesome first day.  I wish that we had tried a themed homeschool long before now because I feel that it really does add a bit of fun to a rather dull part of life, it breaks up the ordinary to make it a little more exciting and it lets us get even more creative with learning.

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