Sunday, September 1, 2019

First Day Preperations

    Well tomorrow is our official "first day" of our Hogwarts Homeschool year.  We start reading Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's stone, do our first Harry Potter comprehension worksheet and themed vocab and spelling.  I love hearing, "I'm excited" from my son in regards to school.  It is great.
    So today I had the chance while he was out with his father to get a couple things done to start our school year off with.  The first thing was our platform 9 3/4 doorway.  I knew that I wanted to try this, I just wasn't sure what doorway I wanted to use for it.  I settled on the toy room.  As I posted in an early post.  I painted a foam board replica of the platform sign and the goal was to use it with a "brick wall" doorway to serve as the way onto the platform.  I used a plain white tablecloth from the dollar store, a couple of sponges and some red paint.  (I want to do the same thing for his birthday party next year, but I want to use an old white sheet so it's more durable I think.)  I think it turned out well.

    You can see our mischievous Loki sitting on the banister.  I am still waiting for him to try to climb it and rip it

    I also found a stone print wall hanging at the dollar store in the Halloween stuff and thought that would make an excellent backdrop for our Hogwarts crest banner so it would look like it was hanging on a castle wall.

    And I finally got his acceptance letter and Train ticket framed and hung on his wall.

    Oh, and it's the picture that is crooked not my wall hanging

Cade was happy when he saw it all up and thinks it's real cool. Score for mom!!

    I want to attempt to make a sorting hat, but I haven't gotten that far  I'm not sure if I can pull it off, but I am sure going to try.

    So here is to tomorrow and our first day as first years!!


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