Hello and welcome to our new blog! We are homeschoolers in Northern, (very northern,) New York. My name is Amy and I am a single mom to an awesome, and sometimes very trying, 11 year old son named Cade. I am also my elderly father's caretaker which has given me the ability to stay home and homeschool my son.
We left the public school system in my son's last quarter of Kindergarten. I had toyed with the idea probably before I was even pregnant. I had hated public school and always wished I could be homeschooled. My sister homeschooled her children. My niece actually went all the way through school being homeschooled. So it was something I often imagined for my own children or child. So after a year of Headstart and 3/4 a year of kindergarten I decided I wanted to try. But, I didn't want to wait until he was going in first grade and find out we couldn't handle it and decide to put him back in public and have him be behind, so I pulled him the last quarter to get a feel for it. If it worked-great! If not, he would commence with first grade in the fall- no harm, no foul.
Needless to say we decided to stick with it and we are getting ready for our 6th full year of homeschooling. Now, I won't lie and say its been all smiles and roses and a kid ready and loving to learn. My kid has always hated school. Anything that takes him away from what he could be doing is not pleasant to him. Of course, he'd prefer to be homeschooled rather than go to public school, but don't expect him to like school...those are his words.
Honestly I envisioned this much different. I envisioned instilling a love of learning. An eager face at the table just waiting for our next lesson, (what the heck was I thinking?) Ok, so maybe I was dreaming a little. Maybe I read too many homeschool blogs that made it sound like it was the perfect solution to putting my baby boy in school. (Yeah, we were quite late in cutting the umbilical cord too.)
Seriously though, he was doing fine in public, but I could see he needed one on one that he was not going to get in public school. And on top of that I had a million and one reasons that I really wanted to try homeschooling. From the issues with bullying, violence in the schools, overcrowded classrooms, having more control over what and when my child learned certain things, being able to let him learn in a manner that was right for him, not the one size fits all plan that is public education, to having more flexible hours and days, (we are night owls, both myself and my son,) more family time, more parenting time and many other factors.
So, even though it hasn't been the stuff dreams are made from every day, it's been an experience with the good outweighing the not so good. Each year seems to have gotten better. Last year was the best yet, (with the exception of our standardized tests-my boy and testing is not a fun thing.) We seemed to find a good rhythm and had a smoother year. Every year I search for that one element that will make the year better. Make it more fun. Make my son look forward to learning and enjoy it at least a little...
I think I may have found it. It's taken me two years to get him interested in Harry Potter, but earlier this year I finally convinced him to at least give the movies a try. He gave in. He actually found he enjoyed them, especially the first three, (which I also feel are the best of the series.) Once I had his interest I proposed we have a themed homeschool year. A Harry Potter year. It would be the perfect year to do it. After all it's the same year that Harry got his acceptance letter, 11 years old and in his 6th year of school. What would be a better idea than to become a first year at Hogwarts? He was game and I was excited...which leads us here to our new blog as we get ready to start our Hogwarts Homeschool.